About Tiltrans
Tiltrans started 1912 in Oosternijkerk. We start with transporting from cattle. In 1958 we take over a company in Burgum and we moved from Oosternijkerk to Burgum. In 1962 Tiltrans been commissioned for the reclamation of former the Lauwerszee. This Job was completed in1969. After this job we phased out slowly the tippertrucks. Tiltrans going to focus more to (international) transports. In 1979 we moved to our current location in Burgum. Tiltrans consists of three companies; Tiltrans Noord, Tiltrans Milieu in Burgum (Frl) and Tiltrans Zuid in Best (NB). Reliability, flexibility, educated and motivated people short lines between customer, planning and our drivers are strength. Headquarter in Burgum consists a several departments: management, adminstration, planning and garage.
Modern equipment
Tiltrans has an extensive and modern fleet. On-board computer in the trucks communicate with our TMS, drivers recieve the orders straight to their on-board computer. Due to the variety of vihicle combinations is Tiltrans enable each customer for any kind of roadtransport to provide the right solution. Below is a overvieuw of the various options.
Silo Trailer
Our silo trailers have a capacity of at least 60 cbm. These are very suitable for powder and granular-shaped products. All our combinations are equipped with silent compressors.
We have a several monotanks, for transporting to a different liquids(NON ADR). All these vehicles are equipped with silent compressors to solve these trailers. Some of our tanks are provided with a pump inorder to be able to suck or pumped fluids. Unloading in IBC's is possible. Also we have some tankers for rent for example temporary storage.
Walking Floor
Trailers with a walking floor are ideal for horizontal unloading of bulk goods as well for industrial goods in bigbags, rolls of paper, woodchips or palletsgoods. These trailers have a capacity from min. 90 cbm.
For transport of buildingmaterials we have a trailer wich is equipped with a mobil 24t/m crane including stoneclamp and pallethook.
Storage and handeling
For storage of a various drygoods has Tiltrans in Burgum indoor storage areas with a capacity of more than 7000 m2. For loading and unloading we have our own truck.